In the present article, I will illuminate you about the Cisco IOS favored Executive mode order named “clear crypto gdoi.” Organization directors (like you) utilize this order to get the state free from the ongoing meeting of a Gathering Space of Understanding (GDOI) bunch part with the key server.
The following is the order’s language structure:
clear crypto gdoi [group bunch name | ks coop counters | ks strategy | replay counter]
bunch name – This (discretionary) catchphrase and contention mix is utilized to give a gathering a name.
ks coop counters – This (discretionary) catchphrase is utilized to clear the counters on the helpful key server.
ks strategy – This (discretionary) watchword is utilized to get all free from the arrangements that are on a key server. Keep in mind, while utilizing this catchphrase it doesn’t enact (trigger) the re-appointment of the key servers.
replay counter – This (discretionary) catchphrase is utilized to clear the counter replay counters.
Note: On the off chance that you play out this order on a gathering part, its strategy (state) will be erased (cleared); and it should re-register with the key server.
Furthermore, on the off chance that you play out this order on a key server, its “state” will be erased (cleared). Likewise, assuming overt repetitiveness is expected among servers and this order is performed on one of them, it will make that server return into political race mode to choose another essential server.
Incidentally, assuming that you choose to utilize the order, ensure your router(s) is running Cisco IOS 12.4(11)T or higher.
I trust this article was exceptionally educational and assisted you with rapidly understanding the utilization of the unmistakable crypto gdoi order. In the event that you want to find out more; I recommend you visit my site, were you’ll find the most recent data in regards to the Cisco CCNA (640-553) Security test strategies.
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